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A missed PC Tear ..!How does a trainee Surgeon miss a Posterior Capsular Tear..?
The Posterior capsule tear – How I manage it – 2022
Posterior Capsule Tear: An Unusual Cause : Management Tips. - Dr Deepak Megur
Posterior capsular rupture : PCCC, Intact anterior hyaloid, Mistake in IA Dr Sourabh Patwardhan
Can viscoelastic BLOW-OUT the posterior capsule during routine cataract surgery???
Intraoperative complication -PC Tear & Vitreous Prolapse? Analysing a Trainees Complication-
Posterior Capsular Tear..! Anterior hyaloid: is it still intact..? How to know..? - Dr. Deepak Megur
PC Tear / Zonular laxity..? What is this..? - Dr Deepak Megur
Catarock Done Elsewhere Posterior Capsule Rupture & Problems. How to Achieve Better Outcome 2nd Eye?
Secondary IOL implantation, PC tear with Vitreous disturbance - Unexpected Event..! Dr Deepak Megur
Intraoperative PC tear, nuclear fragment in the bag. How do we manage.? - Dr. Deepak Megur
PC tear with an Overlying Nucleus.How to detect?Look for this Sign.. - Dr Deepak Megur